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What is Your Social Security Strategy?

Dates:May 1, 2025
Meets:Th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Location:Stetson M.S. C109
Cost: $15.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.


Instructors (L-R): Daniel P. Batty, CFP®, CHFC®, CFBS®, CFS, CLTC , and Michael Skiff, CFP®, CHFC® of U Financial Group

Social Security is fairly simple provided you have worked long enough to earn the required number of quarters and were never married. However, when you add two-income couples and/or divorce into the mix -- both historically high among baby boomers -- the decisions become very complicated. The problem is, making the wrong choices can result in less income for the rest of your life.

This course walks you through common but surprisingly complex
situations involving Social Security, including:

1) how being married, divorced or widowed impacts your retirement benefits;
2) how to give your Social Security check a government-guaranteed boost; and
3) how benefits for one spouse are affected by when and how the other spouse files.

This presentation will educate you on the many decisions involved in claiming Social Security, as well as their consequences, and provide strategies to maximize the benefits received. CRN202002-233743
Fee: $15.00

Stetson M.S. C109

1060 Wilmington Pike (Rte. 202)., West Chester 19382
From West Chester, take Rte. 202 South to light at Stetson Middle School.
Make right at light into school parking lot.

Michael Skiff

Michael Skiff, CFP®, ChFC® is a registered representative of and offers securities, investment advisory, and financial planning services through MML Investors Services, LLC, Member SIPC • 5001 Louise Drive, Suite 300, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 • 717-791-3300.